7-8th September 2021
I have had tons of ideas to write about but I selected one particular subject I'd like to work on. It's just been tons of planing and now I found myself stuck in something. It's like a little obstacle which I have to solve. I will do this. Once night when I was tired and wanted to go sleep earlier because my brains wasn't really working so well, there was total emptiness. I lay on bed and closed my eyes, then my brain got so wild, I was rolling around for an hour just having tons of ideas to write about. Then I realized I didn't have another blanket in top of my normal blanket, when I added it I fell in sleep right away. Today I have done like few lines of text but this feels more harder than the first thing I wrote, Just difficult to find great words for it. I've been going through magic and universe trying to solve something what I wanna say. I don't know if I should just wave my magic wand or what to find the right word. I'm interested to figure out how it's going to come out.
I found something that makes me nostalgic, interact with other people, I have been spending time there alot and get something else to think about. It's so fun to be a part of some community for longest time. Makes me feel like I belong somewhere again, don't have to quiet and hidden from everyone. I even feel important sometimes which is good sometimes. I have tried other platforms but they have ended up being lame and boring places. Have been feeling very disturbed there, everyone is looking for something I don't want. I'm going to focus on this community like a hawk and feeling nostalgic for a while. I can tell you when I started around I couldn't even speak english, I learned everything from other people, it was a lot work but I feel like it was worth it.
But not I'm going to focus on this writing process and let's see when I will get it out.
Until next time!
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